Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dynamic Where clause

Hello everyone,

I want to build a dynamic where clause which makes :

WHERE column1 = (@.parameter1 if @.parameter1 is not null) / (anything if @.parameter1 is null)

Basically I do not know how to set column1 = ANYTHING Smile

Best regards and thanks.

Maybe something like

Code Snippet

Where @.parmameter1 is null

or @.parameter1 is not null and column1 = @.parameter1

Another alternative would be to use IF / ELSE around two distinct select statements rather than this particular WHERE clause. I suspect that this where syntax (and also the COALESCE syntax) will precipitate a SCAN instead of a seek. If your table is very small this won't matter.

You might be able to avoid the SCAN when you pass the parameter by using the IF / ELSE syntax PROVIDED that you have an index on column1.


You can also use the coalesce function to determine which value to use. Here is an example using sys.databases

Code Snippet


SET @.param1 = 'master'

-- SET @.param1 = NULL

SELECT * FROM sys.databases

WHERE name = COALESCE(@.param1, name)

Try it with both parameter settings. One will return just the row for master, the other will return all rows.

|||@. Kent Waldrop Thank you very much for this trick.. It seems simple but does a lot !

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