Sunday, February 19, 2012

Dynamic SQL Stored Procedure problem

I have a project that all its reports are based on Dynamic SQL Stored
Procedure. First, I had to handle the problem that in the Layout Tab
there were no fields by adding them manually. However, when I try to
show the report in the Preview tab I got the error: "Procedure x
Expects a parameter @.y that was not Supplied" Despite the fact that I
define the parameter in report parameter and in the Data Tab I got the
correct SP answer.
When I wrote in the data set query "exec x @.y=1" and chose "Text"
instead of "Stored Procedure" I got the correct SP answer, but
because all the reports get their parameters from the application
(user) I can not leave the report like that.
Any Ideas?
Thank you.
AviI've had this problem a few times, and ended up solving it by simply
shutting down and restarting Visual Studio (after saving the report, of
course). Not sure if it will work for your problem, but its worth a
try if you haven't done that already.
AB wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a project that all its reports are based on Dynamic SQL Stored
> Procedure. First, I had to handle the problem that in the Layout Tab
> there were no fields by adding them manually. However, when I try to
> show the report in the Preview tab I got the error: "Procedure x
> Expects a parameter @.y that was not Supplied" Despite the fact that I
> define the parameter in report parameter and in the Data Tab I got the
> correct SP answer.
> When I wrote in the data set query "exec x @.y=1" and chose "Text"
> instead of "Stored Procedure" I got the correct SP answer, but
> because all the reports get their parameters from the application
> (user) I can not leave the report like that.
> Any Ideas?
> Thank you.
> Avi

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