Friday, February 24, 2012

dynamic text

In Reporting Services, is there a chance to make the text dynamic?
For example, sometimes I want it to show 10 lines and sometimes 20.
Is it possible?Can you be a little more specific? Nearly everything is expression based and hence can be made dynamic.|||I have a report about SaleContracts.
In the SaleContract Text area, the customer (company) definition will be shown and for example one company's definition is 20 character length and another is 50 character length.I use this definition more than once in the contract text.So the text changes from contract to contract.And so this text may be 20 line or 30 line length.
If I keep the textbox's size small, some of the text couldn't be shown when the company definition string contains 30 characters(for example).And if I keep the textbox's size large, there is a blank space and this is not a good view.Therefore I want the text to be dynamic.

Thanks in advance!|||Text boxes have 2 properties CanGrow and CanShrink that can be used to automatically size the textbox based on it's content. Bear in mind that these will only grow or shrink vertically i.e. height, the width is fixed.

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