I often have a 'label' text box next to a 'data' textbox. If the data textbox expands how can I get the label to match it in height?. I tried to set the height of one to the height of the other but got errors.
Best way would be to use a table, the row the label and the textbox are in would be sized at the same size then.HTH, Jens Suessmeyer.
U can do it by using functioin.Your testbox and label size will be same.
U can try this
="hello" & space(len(Parameters!SaleOrderNo.Value)) & "."
In passed these parameter with in a lable(textbox).
Parameters!SaleOrderNo.Value in a textbox.
Hope this helps u.
Thanks Jens,
But at present this needs to stay free form.
|||Thanks Sufian,
But I'm not following what you are saying. I believe you are saying to create a report parameter and then use this code:
space(len(Parameters!SaleOrderNo.Value)) & "."
I did this (using my own values of course) but am not able to make it work. Please explain what I'm not understanding.
suppose u have a lable and a textbox.
In textbox u have a value(!Fieldname.value)
In the label function box write the code like this
="hello" & space(len(!fieldname.value)) & "."
So it will read the (!fieldname)length and add that length to ur lable with space function.I used a dot "." at last in the function because there should be something to hold the space.
U can customise the code according to ur need.
Thanks again, Sufian.
However for some reason this technique doesn't expand the textbox either horizontally or vertically. Even when I force it using Space(250) and the "." it still doesn't expand the textbox. Any ideas?
|||Dear failfield,
I read ur question. In that u had written that when the size of the testbox is increased the lable size should be increaed automatically.
U had not written anything like that u need to increase the size of the textbox.
BTW there should be a object to hold another object detail.
for example
if u need to increase the size of the lable in refence to height u need to hold the height of the textbox in ur lable.
suppose u have a textbox1. and u have a text lets say "Hello world"
and a lable lable1 with text hello.
Now u need that lable should be of the same size as the text.(in refrence to height only)
then in the function box write the same code i had written.
="hello" & space(len("helloworld")) & "." .
U can also use a field in place ot "helloword".
All this code is written in lable function window.
Hope this helps u.
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