I need to pass a list of values into a cursor as such...
@.group_SQL varchar(255)
SET @.group_SQL = 'SELECT group_id FROM groups where group_id in (' + @.group_id + ')'
DECLARE groupContact_import_cursor CURSOR
FOR EXEC(@.group_SQL)
OPEN groupContact_import_cursor
FETCH NEXT FROM groupContact_import_cursor INTO @.group_id
insert into groupContacts (group_id, contact_id) values (@.group_id, @.new_cid)
FETCH NEXT FROM groupContact_import_cursor INTO @.group_id
CLOSE groupContact_import_cursor
DEALLOCATE groupContact_import_cursor
But MS SQL doesn't seem to like the FOR EXEC(@.group_SQL). Can someone shed some light?
TIAI think it should work like this.
DECLARE groupContact_import_cursor CURSOR
FOR SELECT group_id FROM groups where group_id = @.group_id|||Why? A contact can be assigned to many group_id values, not just one.|||SET @.group_SQL = 'SELECT group_id FROM groups where group_id in (' + @.group_id + ')'
set @.group_SQL = 'DECLARE groupContact_import_cursor CURSOR FOR ' + @.group_SQL
exec (@.group_SQL)
OPEN groupContact_import_cursor
...|||bingo, that did it. I didn't know I needed to include the DECLARE portion, oh well...
Thanks a lot.|||bingo, that did it. I didn't know I needed to include the DECLARE portion, oh well...
Thanks a lot.
It did?
I'm highly sceptical...
What does @.group_id look like
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